Thursday, August 7, 2014

We're Off!

Back in the fall we got a call from the offices of A Prairie Home Companion (APHC). Would we like to travel with them on a cruise to the Baltic Capitals in August 2014? Umm....yes!!! 

It took some schedule shifting and extra preparation this summer to get a number of programs ready for the two week trip but we're ready to go.

The Cantus ensemble and Executive Director Mary Lee fly to London tonight, arriving at noon on Friday. We’ll stay overnight and depart together for Dover on Saturday morning. The ship, the MS Ryndam leaves at 4 pm, but we’re scheduled to greet boarding passengers with song at 1:30 pm on Saturday afternoon.
This is a trip of a lifetime for all of us. In addition to working with Garrison Keillor and his ensemble of actors and musicians and special guests we’ll be visiting the cities of (deep breath!): Copenhagen (Denmark), Warnemünde (Germany), Tallinn (Estonia), St. Petersburg (Russia), Helsinki (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden), and Ärhus (Denmark). 
The link to the itinerary is here:
You can watch our travels on Facebook and Instagram, but we’ll collect stories and additional photos on this site. 

Thanks for staying in touch!


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